Star wars vision of the future
Star wars vision of the future

By making peace with the Empire and the New Republic, Zahn opens up an entire galaxy of new possibilities in opening our eyes to the Unknown Regions, a sector of space never explored by our characters. No more kidnappers, superweapons, or would-be Imperial conquerors. Why? Well, first off, it takes the Expanded Star Wars Universe in a whole new direction. In my opinion, this is one of the best Star Wars books ever written. A team is sent to destroy the Bothan shield generator with only Wedge, Corran, and an old woman standing in their way. As more and more systems join the Empire, the triumvirate send Imperial spies to spark the crisis between the alien races above the Bothan Homeworld. While our heroes try to avoid the disaster, Flim, Moff Disra, and Tierce continue to stir up trouble with their Grand Admiral Thrawn scam. While that is going on, Han and Lando also start their own mission to find a copy of the document. Their hope is to use the document to diffuse the current hostilities above the Bothan homeworld which could start a civil war among the New Republic. Meanwhile, Talon Karrde and the Mystril warrior Shada seek out Jorj Car'das, an old smuggler who might hold a copy of the Caamas Document, an Imperial letter implicating certain Bothans in the slaughter of the Caamasi. With their help, Mara and Luke make their way into a mysterious fortress and soon discover its deadly connection with Grand Admiral Thrawn. The Qom Qae are a pterodactyl-like aliens that communicate with Luke through the Force. Luke makes his way to the planet Mara Jade disappeared on and runs into a primitive race that helps him out a little. This is the second book in the Hand of Thrawn series. IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK, DON'T READ THIS REVIEW! SPOILERS DISCUSSED AHEAD!!! The EU and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith- Spoilers Allowed The Official Alpha, the ARC Troopers and the Commandos Thread

star wars vision of the future

Troy Denning's Dark Nest trilogy (spoilers allowed) Stephen Hayford Star Wars Weekends Exclusive Art Star Wars Night With The Tampa Bay Storm Reminder Heir to the Empire: The 20th Anniversary Edition ĬEII: Jabba's Palace Reunion - Massive Guest Announcements Millennium Falcon Owner's Workshop Manual

star wars vision of the future

TheForce.Net - Books - Reviews | Vision of the Future

Star wars vision of the future