Counter strike source vs cs go
Counter strike source vs cs go

Hahaha no, they just made it so it requires more skill now. People say they removed all the "fun stuff" from GO, such as bhop, boost, etc. Seriously, it's way too overpowered in source. They say it's "random", but in reality, it just prevents people from spamming at the ♥♥♥♥ to get headshots.

counter strike source vs cs go

These people say that the Deagle sucks in GO, but idk how. GO has a ♥♥♥♥ community compared to Source, but I find Source to be very easy. 800+ hours of CS:GO on two accounts and only like 40 something of CS:S. Why do CS:S players complain about CS:GO? They say CS:S has more skill, but idk how that's true.

Counter strike source vs cs go